Community insights for topical steroid withdrawal

Crowdsourced insights for the symptomatic management of TSW


From The Blog

Resources and news within the TSW community

skin cream

Our mission

While there is no current cure for topical steroid withdrawal, there are emerging ways that people manage their specific symptoms they are experiencing during the withdrawal period from topical steroids.

Our mission is to uncover insights on products, methods, routines and therapies that are trending in efficacy within the TSW community.

Sufferers and carers

Contribute to the community survey and share what is working for you. The success of these insights can only succeed with your participation.

For healthcare practitioners

If you are a medical doctor, naturopathic doctor, TCM practitioner or any other health professionals who is currently treating TSW patients – sufferers and carers are seeking your expert care.

If our mission resonates with you, we invite you to collaborate with us. 

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