Diet and nutrition for the symptomatic management of Topical Steroid Withdrawal

People experiencing the withdrawal symptoms from the discontinuation of topical steroids have a range of strategies and routines to improve their health related to their condition. Diet and nutrition is trending within the community as effective for managing the withdrawal period.

TSW Assist is in the process of gathering insights from sufferers of topical steroid withdrawal, and their carers. Our survey will aggregate insights for the anecdotal methods for managing the different symptoms and stages of topical steroid withdrawal. 

Currently there is no medical cure for topical steroid withdrawal, but within the global TSW community there are methods, products, and therapies that help provide symptomatic relief during the withdrawal period.

Related: Initial skin condition before using topical steroids

If you are experiencing the symptoms of topical steroid withdrawal or are a carer, please contribute to the community survey. The success of these insights can only succeed with your participation.
If there are researchers, universities, or healthcare professionals that would like to collaborate with TSW Assist to gather more information to help the TSW community – please contact us.

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