Manuka Honey for Topical Steroid Withdrawal – Does it work? Evidence is Needed

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Manuka Honey is being used as an anecdotal solution for its potential role in managing Topical Steroid Withdrawal (TSW), but there is minimal evidence of its efficacy. Manuka honey is a type of honey that is produced in New Zealand and Australia. This honey has been used for centuries by the Maori people for its medicinal properties. TSW is a complex illness and more research is required around the efficacy of Manuka Honey.

Topical steroid withdrawal is a complex health phenomena that can be described as a series of symptoms associated with the gradual or abrupt cessation of topical corticosteroid use. Symptoms of TSW can include red, itchy, and inflamed skin, as well as fatigue, anxiety, and depression. There is no known cure for TSW, but throughout Facebook groups and online communities, some people are suggesting that Manuka Honey can help to relieve the symptoms. Please keep reading before you attempt to use Manuka Honey to assist with Topical Steroid Withdrawal.



Manuka Honey for Eczema and Psoriasis

Eczema and Psoriasis are the most common underlying skin conditions of people with Topical Steroid Withdrawal. Although it is difficult to separate the symptoms of TSW from Eczema and Psoriasis, communities online are suggesting the use of Manuka Honey to potentially improve their symptoms.


What is Manuka Honey?

Manuka honey is made from the nectar of the manuka tree (Leptospermum scoparium). The manuka tree blooms for only a few weeks each year, which makes manuka honey a rare and precious commodity. Manuka Honey has been used for centuries by the Maori people for its medicinal properties. It is produced by bees that pollinate the Manuka bush.


What are the benefits of Manuka Honey for Eczema?

Manuka honey has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis. In fact, manuka honey is often used as a natural treatment for these conditions. Manuka honey has a unique set of anti-inflammatory and healing properties that make it an effective treatment for eczema. The honey helps to soothe the skin, reduce redness and inflammation, and promote healing.


Can Manuka Honey help with psoriasis?

The Manuka Honey has an antibacterial effect for psoriasis. When applied to the skin, Manuka honey creates a barrier that prevents bacteria from entering the skin and causing infection.


How is Manuka Honey used for eczema and psoriasis?

There are several ways you may use manuka honey to treat eczema:

  • Topically: Apply a small amount of honey to the affected area and leave it on for 20-30 minutes before washing it off. Repeat this 2-3 times per day.
  • In a bath: Add 1 cup of honey to a warm bath and soak in it for 20 minutes.
  • Internally: Take 1 teaspoon of honey 3 times per day.
  • You may also try a manuka honey cream or ointment, which is readily available online and in health food stores.


There are other ways that you may use Manuka honey:

  • Eat it by the spoonful

This is the simplest way to enjoy manuka honey. Just eat it straight from the jar! Its unique flavour will tantalize your taste buds while its powerful nutrients nourish your body.

  • Add it to your breakfast cereal or oatmeal

Stir a spoonful of manuka honey into your breakfast cereal or oatmeal for a delicious and nutritious start to the day. The honey will sweeten your breakfast while providing you with a boost of energy.

  • Spread it on toast or crackers.

Enjoy the flavor of manuka honey by spreading it on toast or crackers. The honey will add a touch of sweetness to your toast while providing you with a host of health benefits.

  • Mix it into yogurt or cottage cheese

Stir manuka honey into yogurt or cottage cheese for a delicious and nutritious snack. The honey will sweeten the yogurt while providing you with a boost of energy.

  • Add it to tea or coffee

Manuka honey is the perfect addition to tea or coffee. The honey will add a touch of sweetness to your beverage while providing you with a boost of energy.

  • Use it as a natural sweetener in recipes

Manuka honey may be used as a natural sweetener in recipes. Simply replace sugar with manuka honey in your favorite recipes. The honey will add a touch of sweetness to your dishes while providing you with a host of health benefits.

  • Apply it to your skin

Manuka honey may be applied directly to the skin. The honey mayl help to soothe and heal the skin while providing it with a host of nutrients.

  • Take it orally

Manuka honey may be taken orally to treat a variety of ailments. The honey will help to soothe and heal the body while providing it with a host of nutrients.

  • Use it as a natural cough syrup

Manuka honey may be used as a natural cough syrup. Simply mix the honey with water and drink it when you have a cough. The honey will help to soothe your throat while providing you with a host of nutrients.

  • Apply it to wounds

Manuka honey may be applied directly to wounds. The honey will help to speed up the healing process while providing the wound with a host of nutrients.

  • Mix it with olive oil and vinegar

Manuka honey may be mixed with olive oil and vinegar to create a delicious dressing for salads. The honey will add a touch of sweetness to your salad while providing you with a host of health benefits.

  • Use it as a natural facial mask

Manuka honey may be used as a natural facial mask. Simply apply the honey to your face and allow it to sit for 20 minutes. The honey will help to improve the complexion of your skin while providing it with a host of nutrients.

  • Add it to shampoo or conditioner

Manuka honey may be added to shampoo or conditioner to create a nourishing hair treatment. The honey will help to improve the health of your hair while providing it with a host of nutrients.

  • Use it as a natural lip balm

Manuka honey may be used as a natural lip balm. Simply apply the honey to your lips and allow it to sit for 10 minutes. The honey will help to soothe and heal your lips while providing them with a host of nutrients.

  • Add it to bath water

Manuka honey may be added to bath water to create a soothing and healing bath. The honey will help to improve the health of your skin while providing it with a host of nutrients.

  • Use it as a natural toothpaste
    • Manuka honey may be used as a natural toothpaste. Simply mix the honey with water and brush your teeth as normal. The honey will help to improve the health of your teeth while providing them with a host of nutrients.
  • Add it to lotion or cream

Manuka honey may be added to lotion or cream to create a nourishing skin treatment. The honey will help to improve the complexion of your skin while providing it with a host of nutrients.

  • Use it as a natural eye cream

Manuka honey may be used as a natural eye cream. Simply apply the honey to your eyes and allow it to sit for 10 minutes. The honey will help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles while providing your eyes with a host of nutrients.

  • Apply it to burns

Manuka honey may be applied directly to burns. The honey will help to speed up the healing process while providing the wound with a host of nutrients.

Manuka honey is safe for most people to use, but it may cause an allergic reaction in some people. If you experience any swelling, redness, or itching after using manuka honey, discontinue use and see your doctor. You also need to avoid using manuka honey if you are allergic to bees. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, it is important to check with your doctor before using manuka honey.


If you are using manuka honey to treat eczema, it is important to follow the directions on the product label carefully. Some products may need to be diluted before use, and it is important to avoid contact with the eyes. If you are using manuka honey to treat psoriasis, it is important to understand that there is no cure for this condition. However, manuka honey may help to alleviate the symptoms and improve the appearance of the skin. Be sure to talk to your doctor first, especially if you have a severe case of skin condition.

In this study in New Zealand it promotes Manuka Honeywound healing for skin infections. Manuka honey is a natural antibiotic and can be used to treat minor cuts, scrapes, and burns. It is safe for most people to use, but always test a small area first to make sure you don’t have an allergic reaction. If you do have an allergic reaction, discontinue use and see your doctor.


manuka honey for topical steriod withdrawal


Does Manuka Honey help with Topical Steroid Withdrawal?

Manuka Honey has not been specifically studied or proven to assist in people with topical steroid withdrawal (TSW). Although anecdotally, some people suggest it may help with TSW, we are collecting information to understand if there is a trend of success with Manuka Honey.

Topical Steroid Withdrawal is a highly complex health condition caused by an adverse reaction to the cessation of prescribed steroid creams. Because TSW is an iatrogenic illness, currently there is no known cure, standardized medical treatment, or support for sufferers. Many people suffering with Topical Steroid Withdrawal are turning to online groups and Facebook forums to try an array of products, therapies and solutions to manage their inflammation of their skin during this withdrawal period from topical steroids. The challenge we are seeing is that there is no tracking of the efficacy of Manuka Honey and other anecdotal solutions.

At TSW Assist, we are aiming to discover the collective efficacy of anecodotal recommendations from the TSW community. We hope to identify trending solutions that may be helpful in assisting with the symptoms experienced during topical steroid withdrawal.


Learn more about the crowd-sourced insights for topical steroid withdrawal that are trending as helpful.


More research is required to understand the benefits of Manuka Honey for TSW

If you are considering using Manuka Honey for Topical Steroid Withdrawal, it is important to understand that more research is needed to understand its efficacy. Although some people may have success with Manuka Honey in treating their eczema or psoriasis, further clinical studies are required for TSW.

Through the TSW Assist website, we hope to share crowd-sourced information on the efficacy or inefficacy of Manuka Honey in helping TSW, as well as other solutions that may help.

If you are unsure, please speak to a healthcare professional before using Manuka Honey for topical steroid withdrawal.




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Topical steroid withdrawal (TSW) and chronic eczema may present with similar symptoms and should not be mistaken for one another. A proper diagnosis must be made by a qualified healthcare professional. The information on this website is not medical advice and does not replace any medical advice or treatment from your doctor. TSW Assist does not provide any medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please refer to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy

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